Changing Futures in West Sussex

Within West Sussex, Changing Futures have a team of professionals delivering support to clients experiencing multiple disadvantage that are hosted through three partner charities working within the field of homelessness and the Adults Mental Health team at West Sussex County Council. We have split our service delivery into three hubs to ensure sufficient coverage of the county: the North, the West and the Coast.
Below you can find details of our team of professionals and their host organisations:

Our Partner Organisations
If you click on any of the logos above, you will be taken to the website of our key partners.
We also work with several services and organisations across West Sussex and would love to hear from you if you work within the field of supporting clients experiencing multiple disadvantage.

The way we work...
Across Changing Futures, our team offer a flexible, person-centred approach to a small caseload of 8-10 clients, which enables time to build and nurture relationships and put clients at the centre of their own care and support. Our team work in innovative ways to promote motivation for clients to meet and build relationships:
“I like to do a Hopes & Dreams list with clients as hope is an essential part of motivating a change for the future. The list can then be used to aid their decision making, help them to focus on what takes them closer to their dream.” Jo Ball, Homelessness and Domestic Abuse Navigator.

Our Changing Futures Navigator has chosen to take clients to visit a local Buddhist Monastery “to experience a different way of being. We discuss meditation, being in nature, finding peace, but mostly being at one with ourselves and where we are at with our journey.” Pauline Cousens, Changing Futures Navigator.
Our team also work to embed a trauma-informed system of care into their work and organisations, creating a system-wide curiosity to share knowledge and learn from each other:
“I have a TIP of the week that focuses on Trauma Informed Practice Tips. These are positive, empowering, and helpful for those that work with multiple disadvantage and those experiencing. A few examples have been focusing on the impact of nature, bringing nature inside, grounding techniques, holistic and strength-based skills. These TIPs have been a real hit within Turning Tides, and I am now sending them to other organisations in West Sussex.” Jess Mawby-Piccione, Trauma Informed Navigator.

If you would like to hear more or discuss ways that we could work together, please do get in touch with our West Sussex Project Delivery Officer Lauren.Payne@westsussex.gov.uk